“Aging Together recognizes that now, more than ever, we must focus on inclusion of all population sectors in order to fully embrace authentic and diverse Liveable Community models. Though we have slowed the process during the pandemic period,
we encourage those who are interested in participating to please contact us.”
Click on LOWLINC logo above to go to their website.
Lake of the Woods (LOW) is a large residential Community of single-family homes located in Locust Grove, Orange County. In 2014 a panel of residents from LOW began discussion on how residents of their specific community could remain at home as they aged. They explored services, deployed both a needs assessment survey and a questionnaire to their community members, and with this collected information launched LOWLINC (Lake of the Woods Living Independently in the Community) in 2016. Membership in LOWLINC is fee-based which allows for a multitude of services and benefits including referrals, transportation to doctor appointments, friendly visitor and call check-ins, basic home maintenance, and others dedicated to enabling seniors who reside at Lake of the Woods to continue living fully and independently in their homes.
Click on Rapp at Home logo above
to go to their website. |
Rapp at Home is a rural senior village located in Rappahannock County. Because most senior villages currently are based in more urban locations, Rapp at Home represents a pioneer model. Rapp at Home is not a residential community, but a virtual village non-profit organization in which seniors provide support to one another, allowing them to live independently in their homes and community. Members volunteer to help one another keep active and socially engaged, assist with things like in-home repairs and lawn maintenance, provide technical assistance and provide rides to one another for things like doctor appointments and social events, among other services. The organization also installs in-home medical alert devices for its members. There is a small paid staff and a board of directors but most of the functions depend on volunteer help. |
Aging Together serves the counties of Culpeper, Fauquier, Madison, Orange & Rappahannock
in the Commonwealth of Virginia. |
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